Enroll in Smart Pay and gain better control over your monthly energy bills!
Your largest energy expenditures hit just when you don’t need them – right before and after the holidays. Our Smart Pay plan allows you to budget expenditures equally throughout the year. Your budget amount is determined by your estimated fuel usage and prices.
A home that spends $3,000 per year on home heating fuel would spend the majority of those dollars during the winter months:
With Smart Pay, their bills would be evenly distributed throughout the year:
We can also include your service plan, price cap and propane tank rental in your Smart Pay plan.
To enroll in our Smart Pay budget plan, simply call us at 800.992.2227 Monday-Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm and speak with one of our customer service representatives, or send us an email by clicking Submit below, and we will reach out to you.